(circa. 25 August 2024)
Below is a List of Essays I've written with short Descriptions, some still "In Progress", but all Original.
A short Bio:
- I was born on 29 September 1975 at 10:12 a.m. - a typical Spring Monday.
- I'm a South African and my Mother Tongue is Afrikaans, but I prefer writing in English.
- I wrote my first Thesis at 22 years old as part of my Honors Degree, which was not well received at that time.
- I've had Jobs in various I.T. Positions during my life, but I always had a Passion for two things:
- Research; and
- Teaching
- I am fascinated by Human behavior and since my Thesis I wrote short pieces about the Subjects I've researched and how that can be applied to People and Human behavior, especially if the Human aspect was NOT included in the research I've done.
- I also have a fascination about Numerology, The Human Pin Code and Numbers.
- I'm Gay, Divorced, Unemployed and have two Cats.
- I started writing about what I have learned over the years, from the research I have done, and How different Concepts with no relationship could Compliment each other.
I hope to leave it as a Legacy and that maybe Someone, Somewhere, can Learn Something from it.
When you Click on the next to the Essay Title, it will open a New Tab in your Browser.
When you read an Article or Essay and a Word or Term is a Hyperlink, you can click on it to open the Link in a New Tab as well.
I was looking for something regarding the Importance of Attention, because WHEN you decide to read an Essay, it is Important that you must pay Attention from Start to Finish. I immediately thought about the Opening Scene of one of my favourite Movies, but the part I liked focussed on Listening, not Reading.
I decided that, if I remove the "Footage", leaving only the Audio, it still makes when Someone will "replace" "Listening" and "Listen" with "Reading" and "Read". I couldn't describe "Paying Attention" in a better way than in this Video Clip.
So before you start reading anything, please spend JUST 90 Seconds, to Understand what is required from you.
What is Love?
"Supply and Demand" vs "Hearing and Listening"
Techonstress: A Modern Disease
"WE" are what we eat
This is what happens when I change my mind - Homo Sapiens Sapiens (and Dolphins 😁)
Behavioral Qualities
Titanic - From a Different Angle
Attention (Short and Sweet)
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