(circa. 18 August 2024)





My ex's always accused me of not being able to finish something I started, because I would get an idea or inspiration and start off with a passion until I loose interest. I did however complete ONE Project that I'm completely sure of, which was an Over hall of "The House's" Shower. It took me a few months and I probably spent more than I thought I would, but it looked STUNNING in the end. I was writing about my most fascinating Subject - Homo Sapiens Sapiens when I suddenly got an Inspiration, or what I would call an "a-ha Moment". To put the "a-ha Moment" in words, is like watching the scene in the last Matrix movie where the Creator explains the Matrix to Neo. In the scene he talks very fast, Neo is surrounded by Monitors and sentences are echoed - sensory overload! It's more than Intelligence, almost a State of Being without Parameters, when everything you read, heard and watched combines and tiny Silver Strings forms a Web shaped like a Ball, no, a Sphere. It only lasts a few moments and then it's gone, never to repeat. The best thing about experiencing an "a-ha Moment" is that you only realize you had one after it's gone, because in those few Moments, nothing seems to matter. A Moment is 1.2 Minutes, by the way 😁


Over the past several years, I have become more and more fascinated by the Human Species. It all started when I discovered that our Scientific name is Homo Sapiens Sapiens. I started with the obvious, by finding out that Sapiens means "Wise" or "Intelligent", thereby implying that we are the Most Intelligent Humans to have existed, while other Homo Sapiens became extinct. Intelligence can be described as a Cycle of Gaining Knowledge, Understanding and Applying that Knowledge which leads to Gaining more Knowledge, Understanding and Applying. The Cycle never ends.


This Cycle is not possible without Human Society and Social Structures, Complex Social Structures. These Structures Developed over time, driven by Social Values, Norms and Traditions. Society remains relatively Constant and Tolerates the Development of Social Structures that constantly Change. Even though this Change is Necessary, Society's appetite for change has a Tolerance Level. Too much change, too quickly, will result in a Collapse of Social Structures with unpredictable outcomes, the worst being Civil Unrest or even War. It does sound a bit Unrealistic and "far fetched", but it only takes a Moment's thought to agree with me. Modern Humans were the first Humans to Develop Civilizations and lived in a Society, whereas previous Human Species grouped together in Tribes and to live meant they had to survive. Modern Humans' Intelligence Capability set the Foundation for satisfying the need to gain knowledge, not just to survive, thereby Developing Civilizations that allows people to gain knowledge and survive at the same time. 


it is important to know what Social Structures are before continuing. Social Structures refers to a System of Social Institutions and Social Groups and the Social Networks between Individuals. A Social Group or Institution exists because of more than one Person sharing similar Characteristics and Behaviours, with Characteristics being an Objective aspect and Behaviour being Subjective due to every Person's Unique Behaviour. it's a very Complex System, because it deals with People and through my Research I found that People associate themselves with other People not only because of similar characteristics (skin color, language, Religion etc.) but similar Behaviour (though unpredictable) because it is safe and comfortable to be able to predict Someone's Behaviour to a certain extent. Social Groups are influenced by Norms, values and Traditions therefore we can safely assume that Norms, Values and Traditions influence Social Structures within Society. Society doesn't exist because of the existence of Social Structures, but it allows the Development of Social Structures. I stated that Society is relatively Constant and the reason for this is because of what Society can be described as: A group of People involved in Persistent Social Interaction, sharing the same Social Territory and subject to the same Political Authority and Cultural Expectations. From the moment you are born, you are part of Society.


At this point one can ask whether Society Developed as a Result of Social Structures or if Social Structures Develop according to Society, a "Chicken or Egg Causality Dilemma"? Not at all, because Society should not be seen as a "Stand-alone" Quality for being a Modern Human and its Development is linked to the Modern Human's Intelligence Capability. The Cycle of Intelligence (Knowledge, Understanding, Applying) lead People to the discovery of different Domains which can be Studied by People and the Knowledge gained can be Applied. Most of these Domains are studied via Science and it becomes easy accept that The Cycle is only Applicable to a specific Science, but the specific Science is studied by People. People who share similar interests and are therefore a Social group by implication. To use Psychology as an example of such a Science, People have gained knowledge about their own Psychological Development, through Research, as well as Characteristics Associated with each Development Stage. Psychology is not studied by just one Group of People, but from the knowledge gained several areas of Psychology are now being studied by different groups. The knowledge gained by these groups is worthless unless it can be understood and applied, therefore a Science domain developed a Social Structure. Social Networks between groups lead to the development of a Hierarchical System where certain groups or individuals are being put into different "classes or levels" with a certain level of Authority associated to that level. To share knowledge gained, Science developed certain Practices whenever new discoveries would like to be Shared or Applied, for example, Scientists will Publish an Article in the Relevant Science Publication AFTER being scrutinized, dissected and approved by the Leaders of that Science domain. The Cycle takes time, but eventually the Applied Knowledge becomes "Common Knowledge" with an impact on Human Behaviour, which influences norms, Values and Traditions, leading to a change in Social Structures within Society. Through the Science of Psychology, People learned more about Depression, for example, which lead to a change in People's behaviour towards People with Depression. A 100 years ago someone with Depression would not be accepted into a Social Group and belonged in a Mental Facility perhaps. The Cycle has changed this behaviour, affecting Norms, Values and Traditions, thereby changing the Social Structures within Society. Society didn't change, because People with Depression were always a part of Society. The Cycle affects People's Norms, Values and Traditions, which influences the Development of Social Groups impacting Social Structures and therefore I can safely make the statement that the Current Social Groups will either Adapt, Disappear or Replaced as New Groups will Develop.


Science is obsolete unless it is to the benefit of Society. Quite a Statement to make, but if you think about it in terms of what you've read so far, it will make sense. Society relies on four Human Qualities: Interaction; Territory; Authority and Culture. At its most basic level is a Modern Human's Intelligence Ability. Ability is a Physical power or Mental skill needed to do something. A Person can acquire Abilities through practice and experience, acquiring more or other skills. The Jury is still out on deciding whether a Person is able to Increase their Level of Intelligence through Practice and Memory exercises. Memory is a Person's ability to retain and later recall acquired information. Information is processed data or knowledge, in short. I have a Degree in Informatics (System's Analysis and Design), which is an I.T. related degree within the field of Commerce. My First year's Final Exam was One Question for 100 marks: Describe the Universe as a System. In my First year, a lot of emphasis was placed on Data and Information, with even the Lecturers arguing amongst themselves. A few of them made an argument that Information is more than just Processed Data and it is a Human Ability, therefore it is different for every person. People unconsciously rely on their Memory and Experience when Presented with Data and are Influenced by External aspects to come to a Conclusion - Information. It is the Result of a Mental Process, using Intelligence and not just Processed Data. The word "Synergy" used to be used quite often as well. When I looked at the Question back in 1994, I smiled, not because I thought it was a Joke, but "Synergy" popped into my mind immediately. We weren't being tested on our knowledge of The Universe, we were being tested on our ability to Analyze. My answer started with: "My Universe can be described as follows:..." making it very clear to the reader that I was analyzing within the boundaries of "My Universe". My Final mark for the year was 78% putting me in the Top 5 Performers for the year, and every year after that.


Just a quick recap before I continue: Intelligence sets Modern Humans apart from previous Humans and other Intelligent Species, being driven by the acquisition of Knowledge, Understanding and Applying that knowledge thereby Influencing Human Behaviour which is driven by Norms, Values and Traditions. People with similar characteristics and behaviour will group together in Social Groups and by Networking with each other as Individuals and Groups, a Social Structure Develops within a relatively Constant Society. It's the first time I mention "Other Intelligent Species", because I acknowledge that there are other Intelligent Species on Earth, like Dolphins and gorilla's, who share some of these characteristics and it would be Incorrect to claim that Social Behaviour sets Modern Humans apart from these Species. I haven't stated that it is the Modern Human's Ability to Adapt to Social Changes and New Scientific Discoveries, that is the Main Differentiator between Humans and other Intelligent Species.  Human Society Supports the Gaining of knowledge through Science and New Discoveries that will benefit Society, whether it's New Technology or Learning about ourselves. Society allows the Development of Science to impact Social Structures at an acceptable rate, with a Tolerance Level. the tolerance Level depends on Human Interactions, Territory, Culture and Authority. Based on all of this, HOW, if possible, does Human Intelligence influence Society's Intelligence?


Firstly, some boundaries are needed to define the Scope of Society. My Society refers to Countries, their Citizens, Economic Wealth and Development. I assume everyone reading this knows the difference between a First World Country and a Third World Country and are familiar with the concept of "Emerging Markets". These distinctions have been made for decades and were used to indicate the Scientific and Economic Development of a Country. In recent years there have been several studies to more accurately Measure a Country Objectively using different Parameters, like the "Human development Index", thereby re-classifying a Country based on its Population, Scientific Developments, Economic Growth and Political Stability. The reason for these studies is due to the fact that a Country like South Africa was Classified as a Third World Country with an Emerging Economy along with Countries like Zimbabwe, Thailand, Nigeria, Mexico and on. A Country like South Africa relies on International Investment to grow its Economy and it's a basic fact that NO ONE would make an Investment in anything if they weren't convinced that they will receive a Return on their Investment. Unlike other Third World Countries, South Africa's Economy has Developed from being Agricultural to Industrial with an Increase in Scientific Development. In trying to get a better classification, the following factors started to emerge: GDP, Government Foreign Debt, Trade Deficits or Surpluses, Unemployment and the Value of a Country's Currency, to mention a few. A piece of useless information, but did you know? A Government's Spending on Maintaining the Country's Government and Social Responsibilities is still a determining factor in measuring the Country's Development. South Africa's Government spends more than 55% of the Annual Budget on Government Institutions and Government Foreign Debt is almost 66% of GDP. With an Annual Budget way over R2 Trillion and Unemployment at 33% the Government is Forced to borrow money from the International Community. With a Population of almost 60 Million People, ONLY 19 Million are employed. Compared to the U.S. that spends almost 36% on Government Expenses, Unemployment at 4%, a Population of 333 Million with 161 Million people employed and an Annual Budget of $5.6 Trillion and (SHOCKER) Government Foreign Debt at 95% of GDP. Two completely different Countries with two completely different Societies.


Social Interaction: 

I have never been to the U.S. but have travelled across South Africa and I can still only give my Opinion. Almost 30 years after Apartheid was banished, the Principle of "Ubuntu" is yet to realize. I am not a Racist, but the People who were Segregated under Apartheid were suddenly forced into a Society with completely different Structures and Groups and the Structures and Groups that developed under Apartheid, were forced to adapt to change rapidly. In any Society there are Structures that align with the "Majority" (Normal) or "Minority" (Abnormal) and when Apartheid was banned there was an Immediate change when the "Minority" suddenly became the "Majority" and the other way around. This could've easily caused Society to Collapse, leading to Civil Unrest or worse. In my Opinion, there were TWO things that prevented this from happening: The "New' Constitution and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The latter becoming a Blueprint for other Countries that had to deal with similar circumstances. Some Social Groups adapted by "Superficially" associating themselves with People and Groups who were previously Discriminated against, for example Black and/or Gay South Africans. It became "Fashionable" to associate with People from these Groups, at the time, but it was Unsustainable. Interactions were either platonic, under a pretense or enforced by Policies. There was also a rapid change in Social Classes due to People, who were previously prevented from certain Positions, being Promoted to Positions in order to meet the Requirements of B.B.B.E.E. Society didn't change, but 30 years later, new Social Groups Developed with People who used to be discriminated against under Apartheid are now Separating themselves into Groups, changing the Social Structures. South Africans are more divided than ever, because these new Social Structures Developed at an alarming rate. Networking between Groups and Structures are determined by the "Benefit" to the Group or Structure within Society and not the similarities in Behaviour. Social Interaction needs to be Governed by a Constitution with Human Rights at its Core, Influencing Social Behaviour. This is not Sustainable!


I can only give my Opinion about Social Interaction in the U.S. based on what I see and what I read, but it seems to me that they are not more Developed than expected. If the Intelligence of a Society can be linked to the Development of a Country, the U.S. should be at the Top of the list when it comes to Intelligence. As a Society they should be setting the Goal for other Countries when it comes to Social Interaction. The one thing that I'm relatively sure of, is that their Interaction is driven by their behaviour, especially when "Election Season" starts. It is obvious that Social Groups Developed based on similarities in behaviour of People with similar Norms, Values and Traditions. Social Interaction has Developed because their Constitution is based on Governance by the People. It is the oldest Constitution in the World still in force even though it has a few Amendments. If I had to base my Opinion on their "Reality T.V. Shows", it would've been the complete opposite. Election Season beats Reality T.V. hands down! One can then truly observe People's behaviour, shared similarities within Social Groups, the division between different Social Classes and the diverse nature of their Society. If you want an example of a Real "Rainbow Nation", then the U.S. during Election Season is a perfect example. I stated earlier that it is my Opinion that their Social Interaction is not more Developed than expected, because I compare them to South Africa. There are a few similarities between their Social Interaction and South Africa's, most of which are Human Rights related. Another Obvious Development in their Social Interaction is the division between the "Majority" and "Minority", or rather the non-existence of a clear "Majority" and "Minority". It was not so long ago when there was a clear distinction between these two, but since Donald Trump took Office, Social Structures seems to ignore this alignment. To be fair, I have to compare the U.S. to another Developed Country and Society - Germany. Germany has something in common with south Africa after all. Social Groups and Structures had to adapt to rapid changes after the Berlin Wall fell. Compared to South Africa, German Society allowed the sudden changes in Groups and Structures, benefiting Society as a whole. I don't know what it is, but the Germans seems to ME to be more Intelligent than their U.S. counterparts. It's been 80 years since the end of World War 2 and the Country was ravaged, plundered and basically ostracized by the International Community. Within 30 years West Germany became an Industrial power-house and within a decade after the Berlin Wall fell, Social Structures have developed and Society, as a whole, benefited. It might be that I'm looking at the U.S. from the wrong angle, with "Synergy" in the back of my mind. The U.S. is exactly what it is supposed to be: 50 States and the District of Columbia combined into one Country. In 1788, when the Constitution was adopted, the U.S. was only 13 States. Over the years, States were added by either Purchasing them, War or, like the last State, Hawai'i (added in 1959), an Overthrow of a Monarchy. Each State has an "Individual" Society and was added, or acquired, because it benefited the Overall U.S. It stands to reason that the Overall Society benefited from each State's Individuality and Developed accordingly. Being the Leader of Global Economy must imply a Society with a Higher Average Intelligence with the ability to Interact for the benefit of Society as a whole.



This one is difficult to explain and proof, because it is also applicable to extinct Homo Sapiens. Instead of providing proof and references, I'm just going to explain HOW I Understand it. During my research into Homo Sapiens Sapiens, I wanted to refresh my Memory of how our Species Evolved from the first Homo-Genus. I kept running into an expression that frustrated me: "Appeared". All the Species, according to Science, just "Appeared". Modern Humans appeared as well, but what I didn't know was that for a very long period, Modern Humans co-existed with Other Humans, imagine that! Science can not prove that Modern Humans Evolved from previous Humans and therefore they use "Appear" and "The Missing Link". this is great news for Modern Humans, because our Curiosity about ourselves are driving us to gain more Knowledge about ourselves. Before Homo-Sapiens Appeared, there was Homo-Erectus and a few other homo's (hehehehe). A domain in Science developed to gain Knowledge about the Evolution of Modern Humans, Anthropology. Being Social and living in a Group is not a Unique Human Attribute, even Dolphins do it (yes, I read a lot about Dolphins too). Using Language to Communicate is also NOT Unique to Humans, you guessed it - Dolphins. Other Human Species, that went extinct, lived in Groups with a Social Structure, occupying a specific area, until they started to Migrate. Scientists can only speculate with regards to what might have caused the Other Species to go extinct. Science does provide proof that only when Humans were able to FARM, Villages started forming. From there on, Technology Developed and Societies started to form with Social Structures and Classes, Occupying specific areas Permanently, with Scientists calling it "Civilization". Civilization lead to Population Growth and the need for more "Living Space". This need for more space often resulted in War and Science proves that War can be directly linked to a rapid increase in Technological Development. I can therefore safely assume that People were often forced to join a Society, because they lost their claim to a specific Territory and became part of a larger Territory. As I mentioned earlier, in 1959 Hawai'i were forced to join the U.S. because the Monarchy was Overthrown. Territories turned into Countries and the People became part of a Society.


So, Dolphins and Gorilla's do it as well, what makes this a Modern Human Quality? Complexity, the one thing I haven't mentioned yet. Everything that Modern Humans have Developed, can be Developed by another Intelligent Species, but Modern Humans added Complexity to it. Complex Social Groups and Structures forces People to Adapt. If People are forced to join a Society as a result of a Territorial dispute, they Adapt, eventually. Sometimes the opposite happens, where People are forced into their own Society because of their Territory being "Removed" from the larger Territory. For example, British India split up in 1947 to form three Independent Countries: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh (Google it). Territory doesn't define Modern Humans, but to be able to co-exist with other People sharing the same "space" in a Complex Society does make you a Modern Human.



NO - not the stuff in Yoghurt!

"Culture is a concept that encompasses the Social Behavior, Institutions, and Norms found in Human Societies, as well as the Knowledge, Beliefs, Arts, Laws, Customs, Capabilities, and Habits of the Individuals in these Groups. Culture is often originated from or attributed to a specific Region or Location" (Wikipedia). You probably already thought about it so "YES", you can add the word "Complex" in front of each concept. All of these concepts have been Developed by Modern Humans through The Cycle. It can be argued that there is proof that Other Human Species left behind evidence that can be interpreted as "Culture", for example Rock Paintings. They shared similar Beliefs, though Primitive compared to 'Modern Beliefs" and I can go on. The second part of the description is quite relevant, even today. In my Opinion, Modern Humans Grouped together based on a shared Culture, Occupying the same "space", Developing Social Structures within a Society. "Region" was covered under Territory and is also applicable to Culture. Location is the fascinating concept that is still relevant today. "China Town", almost every Major City in the World has one. Almost every Complex Society recognizes and respects specific Locations where People with a similar Culture, group together, forming their own Social Structure which often includes a Hierarchy. it is important to remember that these People are part of a Social Group with a Social Structure WITHIN Society and NOT a Society of their own. The ability of the Social Group to adapt and form part of Society, is a Modern Human Quality.



Not to be mistaken for Politics. Authority could imply a few things: Giving power to someone over someone else; To empower someone to give orders; To empower someone to make collective decisions; To Legitimize the influence one Person has over another Person or Group; To empower someone to enforce obedience or To give someone Control and on. NO - I don't think Dolphins do it. If Modern Humans are defined by their Intelligence, then it can be argued that through Science, History, we have learned how to behave in Society and what the consequences are for not behaving in a Socially Acceptable manner. Remember that a Person's Behaviour is Influenced by Norms, Values and Traditions. Another Science, Psychology, attempts to justify Behaviour based on a Person's Mental Health, almost predicting Behaviour when certain factors are taken into account. I just call it a set of "If, Then, Else" Rules. For example: If he was abused as a toddler, then he'll be more likely to become a Child molester, else he will have Mental Health problems. The fact is, People don't want to deal with other People who don't behave in an acceptable manner, they would rather "empower" someone to deal with another Person, on behalf of Society. Society lead to the Development of a System whereby People can elect Leaders within Society, to make decisions on their behalf, that will benefit Society AND have someone to blame when Society "suffers". Modern Humans have even Developed a Science to Study this "System", Political Science. In my Opinion, without discriminating, IF everyone within a Society had the same Level of Intelligence, Politics would not exist and Leaders will be elected based on their Abilities. 


Another fact is that a Complex Society is made up by People with different Levels of Intelligence. The expression "Do you Understand me?" must be familiar, but, in truth, can not be answered. The Person asking the question has knowledge and experience that differs from the Person or Group, who is being asked. To Understand, implies a Level of Intelligence, because it is part of The Cycle. The Cycle influences a Person's Behaviour. Behaviour is dependent on Society and Society allows The Cycle to Develop. It's a never-ending Process. Someone in a Society WILL Behave unacceptably at some point in time and Society will not tolerate this behaviour. People KNOW what the impact on Society is when Unacceptable behaviour is allowed and therefore Developed a "System" to deter People from unacceptable behaviour - Legislation (LAWS).  A Country's Laws Governs Individual Behaviour in Society, with Behaviour being classified as "Illegal" or "Unlawful". Illegal behaviour is when someone "breaks a Law", for example: Murder. Unlawful behaviour is when someone behaves in a manner that has not been authorized by The Law, leading to someone who has to decide the outcome, based on Legal arguments made by different parties. Most Democratic Countries have Developed their Judicial System from Roman Law, believe it or not. Another bit of useless information, but did you know? A Country's Judicial System and Efficiency in Resolving Legal Matters, is used as a Measurement for the Country's Development. When People are Unable or Unwilling to Resolve Problems amongst themselves, they turn to The Law and "empower" someone else to make a decision to Resolve the Problem, expecting some form of Compensation. This scenario is easy to imagine, but imagine a similar scenario between different Countries.




NOT!!! You are a Modern Human with Superior Intelligence that happens to be part of a Species that didn't become extinct while co-existing with Other Human Species. With nothing threatening the survival of the Modern Human Species, we have become our own worst enemy. The Cycle didn't ONLY contribute to Society's and Humans' Development, it also contributed to the Development of Technology to Defend or Destroy a Society. It is a fact that with the Knowledge we gained about ourselves, we have Developed various Techniques and Technologies to Destroy one another. The U.S. has spent over $900 Billion on Defense in 2023, that is equal to just over R18 Trillion. To put it into perspective, the South African Government's Annual Budget topped R2 Trillion in 2023. on the other hand, the U.S. spent only $245 Billion on Medical Research in 2023, less than a Third of what they spent on Defense. John F. Kennedy said in 1961: "The World is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life." Does the World look any different in 2024? Global Population is at 8.1 Billion People with projections estimating Global Population at 14 Billion People by 2050. Any Species are driven by the Instinct to Survive, Humans just seem to be very good at it. Humans require Resources, just like every other Species on Earth, but there is a Limited Supply of, and a Growing Demand in Global Resources. This leads to Competition between People which means War. The current war between Russia and Ukraine is a perfect case study as to what will happen when one Country's Demand for Resources leads to Competition. 


The United Nations was formed during World War 2 and came to existence in October 1945 with the Goal to Resolve and Prevent Global conflict. Almost 80 years later, ONLY 6 Countries in the World are not involved in an Armed Conflict - 6. It is my Opinion that the U.N. will seize to exist before the end of this Decade and I state this with confidence. The U.N. has 4 Main Purposes: To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, To conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, To encourage respect for each other's rights and freedoms, and To be a Centre for harmonizing the actions of Nations to achieve these goals. At its core is the U.N. Security Council with 5 Permanent member Nations: China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Each of them has a Veto Power, meaning, if one Country doesn't agree with another Country, they can use their Veto Power to Vote against any Resolution. It is not a Democratic System where the Number of Votes count, because ONE Country can use their Veto Power against 4 other Countries while one of these Countries, Russia, is involved in an Illegal War - yes, a War can be Illegal too. China is a Communist State, Illegally busy Occupying Territories in the South China Sea; France has never had a stable Political Landscape and came very close to Socialism with their last elections; the U.K.'s International Economic Influence has reached almost NULL and their Economy is in free-fall; The U.S. has the most Government Foreign Debt in the World with not enough Gold Reserves as backup. If the Security Council disbands, the U.N. will collapse, it's just a matter of time.


I needed to make a Statement regarding Sanctions, but couldn't find an appropriate place, so I'm just going ahead even though it might not make sense. South Africa was First Sanctioned by the International Community for the Government's "Apartheid" Policy, by Individual Countries imposing their own Economic and Diplomatic Sanctions before the U.N. started to pass Resolutions. The U.N. use Sanctions with the hope that a Country's Population will demand a Change in the Country's Government, BUT Sanctions should be imposed on a Country's Government without having a Negative Impact on the Population, or in other words, without causing a Humanitarian Crisis. At the time, both the U.K. AND the U.S. were opposed to Economic Sanctions against South Africa, because (and I had to look really hard for evidence) trade with South Africa at the time were worth Billions of Dollars and Sanctions would've had a Cascading effect on both Country's Economy. South Africa had ONE thing the World Demanded, at the time, GOLD. Another bit of useless information, but did you know? When South Africa gained Independence, adopting the Rand as its Currency, the Rand was trading at 87 cents to the U.S. Dollar and in 1985, R2.23 against the U.S. Dollar - compare that to today (August 2024) with the Rand trading at around R18 to the U.S. Dollar. The U.N. Security Council passed several Resolutions for Sanctions against South Africa, when, in 1989, Margaret Thatcher described Sanctions and Disinvestment as "the way of poverty, starvation and destroying the hopes of the very people – all of them — whom you wish to help". Implying that, if the Sanctions are successful, South Africa will have become an Impoverished Nation with an Economy in shatters as an Inheritance for a New Government. Economic Sanctions are Suppose to be directed at a Country's International Trade with other Countries where Diplomatic sanctions are imposed on Mainly Political Figures, with restrictions on International Travel and Foreign "Visitors" to South Africa. The International Community gave themselves a huge "High Five" after "Apartheid" was abolished, with all agreeing that the Sanctions worked and the Government had no other choice but to abolish "Apartheid". What my friends Google and Wikipedia won't tell you is that South Africa's Economy didn't crumble and the International Community was stunned by the fact that South Africa was able to Trade Gold on the International Level and managed to buy Oil as well. Another shock came when they found out that South Africa Developed Technology to convert Coal into Oil, which no other Country was able to do. The BIGGEST shock to the International Community was when they discovered, no - they had to be told - that not only did South Africa develop Nuclear Technology with a Nuclear Power Station, by itself, but the Suspected Nuclear explosions on the Islands, South off the Southern tip of South Africa, were Actual Nuclear Bombs being Tested. F.W. de Klerk confessed to the international Community that South Africa Developed Nuclear Weapons which would be dismantled as part of some Treaty. 


From the start, the International Community wanted to "Punish" South Africa because of 2 other unrelated actions:

  1. After World War 2, South Africa didn't grant Namibia (the South West Africa) Independence. The International Community struggled to recover, especially The U.K. and her Dominions, who at one point made up 20% of the World's Population, loosing their International Economic Influence and Countries started to Declare Independence. South Africa only became an International "Issue" when Namibia started to demand Independence.
  2. This lead to the Namibian War of Independence, between South Africa, The P.L.A.N., S.W.A.P.O. and Angola, from 1966 to 1990. What my friends will also not tell you, is that THIS War was in actual fact a "Proxy War" between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. at the time, with the U.S. supplying South Africa with arms via Israel (not because it was needed) and Russia supplying the other Parties with arms via Angola.


The ONLY impact that Sanctions had on the South African Economy, was the Inflow of International Capital due to the Government's Foreign Exchange Policies at the time. You'll have to ask my friends really nicely to give you the facts, which they did, regarding the creation of South Africa's Homelands as well. The Britannica (ironically) describes these Homelands as areas where the Black Population was forced to live during the years of Apartheid, but the truth is that after the Second Anglo-Boer War, the British Demanded that these States had to be created to prevent the Black Population from "Settling" in White areas, as part of the Treaty of Vereeniging when the South African Union was formed. My friends will also inform you, if you ask nicely, that Concentration Camps were not "Invented" by Hitler and he used the British Concentration Camps during the Second Anglo-Boer War as a Model AND Lord Kitchener's "Scorched-Earth Policy" during World War 2 when Germany invaded Russia - just PLEASE spare the British from International Embarrassment! The Population didn't "Rise up" against the "Regime" during apartheid, nor did they "Demand" a change in Government Policies. Society adapted and South Africa Developed Technologies in Agriculture, Weapons and Industry without any International support. The Country sustained itself, with enough Resources available to meet the Demands. South Africa even managed to export Produce under the disguise "Cape Produce" and Gold was in high demand. Everyone lied about the impact that Sanctions had on South Africa and the role it played in abolishing "Apartheid", just to give the "Impression" that Sanctions can work. The "Cherry" on the proverbial "Pie" is that the Purpose of Sanctions by the International Community is "to coerce, deter, punish, or shame entities that endanger THEIR interests or violate International norms of behavior". Did THEY really care about the plight of Black South Africans or were THEY more concerned about their own Interests? My 2 friends don't want to give me an answer!


Albert Einstein is often quoted as having said: "I know not with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones". He was not happy about being quoted, because it was taken out of Context and misinterpreted. People assumed that he implied World War 3 will be a Nuclear War, or Weapons of Mass Destruction, destroying Civilization as we know it, throwing Humanity back to the "Stone Age". What he actually meant was that World War 3 will deplete all the Resources required for Modern Warfare and will end when there are no more Resources left. This will impact Civilization, resulting in Civil Unrest that will lead to civil Conflict and eventually a Global Conflict between Nations for Resources. "Sticks and Stones" was used as a Metaphor for Conventional Arms. It actually doesn't matter whether there will be a World War 3 or not, because Humans WILL eventually deplete all Natural Resources unless something happens to slow down the Global Population Growth Rate. It seems to me that Modern Humans are Obsessed with Destroying one another while all we have to do is wait.


I think my fascination turned into an Obsession, because I've spent hours upon hours just reading about People. I used to enjoy going to a Mall just to have a cup of coffee while I observed "Human Behaviour", letting my mind wonder. Couples were the most fascinating to observe, especially the "Odd" ones. Darwin had a theory about Natural Selection, quite simple: "Within any population, the fittest individuals are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on their genetic traits to future generations". Really? When? O.K. 1850's. I wonder what he would say if he was alive today? Obesity is a Global Pandemic, yet the Human Species seems to thrive. In his defense, he wrote the theory while he was busy writing about the Evolution of Species and since Modern Humans didn't Evolve from previous Humans, he can be excused. Maybe its applicable to Dolphins? At the time, when Darwin published this Theory, People had no knowledge about Genetics and its role in Human Development. Almost 100 years after the Publication of Darwin's Theory, a Scientist (Oswald Avery) proved that DNA carries Genetic Information. 


I have described the Modern Human Species ONLY within the Framework of Society, as a Social species with Social Groups and Structures, but not as Individuals yet. It makes sense to state that The Cycle, Social Structures and Society would not exist without People, therefore we need to remove an Individual from Society, as a Social Species, and find out what sets Modern Humans apart from other Intelligent Species. Is it possible for Modern Humans to have the qualities and characteristics associated with Homo Sapiens Sapiens, as an individual? While I was researching the Modern Human Species, I found plenty of Publications and Knowledge about the Species as a whole based on the same Characteristics and Qualities for The Species as a Whole. I was determined to find facts to be able to describe Modern Humans as an Individual with Individual characteristics and qualities, but it kept on illuding me. My fascination turned into a frustration, because there was no consensus amongst Scientists as to which qualities and characteristics were applicable to an Individual. As a last resort, I turned to my friend Google and asked what the difference is between Qualities and Characteristics. My friend must've been in a good mood, because I got this response: "Characteristics are specific inheritable features that can be qualitative or quantitative, influenced by genes and the environment. Traits are observable qualities that can range from physical attributes to behavioral patterns, influenced by genetic and environmental factors". I liked this response, but I had a problem with the fact that "Environment factors" played a role in both qualities and characteristics. I KNEW there was more to it, but I didn't want to even get close to the "Subject" because it has been used too often in debates about Homosexuality: Nature vs. Nurture. "Nature versus nurture is a long-standing debate in Biology and Society about the relative influence ON Human beings of their genetic inheritance and the environmental conditions of their development (Wikipedia)." After thinking about it, analyzing it, trying to Understand it, I realized the following:

  • Characteristics are Inheritable;
  • Qualities are Physical Attributes and Behavioural patterns; and
  • Genes and Environmental Factors both influence Characteristics and Qualities.


It is clear that a Modern Human's Characteristics and Qualities can not be described on an Individual level without the influence of a Social Structure and Society. From the moment a Human is born, Social Groups, Structures and Society influences a Human's Individual Development and therefore the Debate about Nature vs Nurture will always be Relevant. Genetics are studied by Science because Humans want to learn about themselves and since Genetics has a Physical component, its influence on Human Development can be proved. Environmental factors are, what I would call, "The fluffy stuff". through the Science of Psychology, Humans are still gaining Knowledge about the influence Environmental factors has on Human Development and assumptions are made because there is a lack of Physical Proof. I decided to use the Knowledge I gained, to differentiate between Characteristics and Qualities.


Human Characteristics include, but are not limited to:

  • Order*, 
  • Sensitivity or Response to the Environment*, 
  • Reproduction*, 
  • Adaptation*, 
  • Growth and Development, 
  • Regulation, 
  • Homeostasis*, 
  • Energy Processing, and 
  • Evolution*.


Human Qualities include, but are not limited to:

  • Honesty,
  • Courage,
  • Self-awareness,
  • Personality*,
  • Emotional Intelligence*,
  • Active Listening*,
  • Continuous Learning,
  • Integrity,
  • Self-Control,
  • Creativity,
  • Resilience*,
  • Cooperation,
  • Loyalty,
  • Self-motivation,
  • Flexibility,
  • Empathy*,
  • Compassion*,
  • Respect, and
  • Communication*.


(Everything with a * could also apply to Other Intelligent Species)


Without explaining each aspect (Google it), there are a few that I want to Highlight, based on what I can Remember reading about. These are all applicable to Other Intelligent Species as well, but I'm relatively certain that People don't "Actively Think" of these and why it sets the Species apart from Other Intelligent Species:


There are 2 roles that Order plays in Modern Humans. The First being each Person's (hierarchical) relation to another (i.e. Social Classes) and the Second being linked to Authority, where Humans are given Power to enforce Authority or abide by it. On an Individual level, Order is part of a Person's daily life and it's become part of Humans' Consciousness. Order is a Perfect example of The cycle's (Intelligence) impact on Human Behaviour that eventually impacts Society. It's not necessary to gain New Knowledge to (1) Understand the differences in Social Classes and (2) Abide to Authority.


A Social Group or Structure Adapts within Society, but at the Core is the Individual's capability to Adapt. This has also become part of daily life, but sometimes it requires Active participation on an Individual level, especially when a Person is forced to Adapt. In Nature, Species adapt due to Changes in their Environment that threatens their Survival, e.g. Dolphins (sorry) will migrate when their food resources become threatened. Humans' Environments don't change because of a threat to their Survival, but Developments often force Humans to Adapt (or die). There's a Motto: The only thing that remains constant, is change. So true!


I've written a lot about Evolution, so did Darwin, but Humans don't think about their Evolution that is an ongoing process and part of the Species" Consciousness. Each Human life plays a part in Human Evolution, whether you want to believe me or not. To use a simple example: The Second biggest threat to Human's Survival is Diseases, caused by Viruses, Bacteria or Parasites. A Disease has the potential to wipe out an entire Population, but Humans' DNA Evolved through their Immune System's "Response" against Diseases, and since Geneticist is part of DNA, this "Response" has been passed over through Generations. It is believed that almost 10% of a Human's DNA comes from Viruses because Viruses "Insert themselves" into a Human's DNA. When you are born, you "Inherit" your DNA from your parents, the Good and the Bad. Your DNA includes the DNA from Viruses, Parasites, Cancers and other Diseases and through Human Evolution we are able to resist these. I don't really need to prove this, but think about someone who was diagnosed with Lung Cancer, without smoking a single cigarette or children being diagnosed with Heart problems due to a Disease while there are People who smoke, drink and do drugs, who lives long and happy lives. The survival of the Human Species depends on this example of Evolution, and People participate subconsciously, on an Individual level, by Reproducing with another Person, "Blending" their DNA and passing Unique Genes to their Children. Scientists speculate that Other Human Species became extinct because this "Reproduction Cycle" was limited to the Social Group (or Tribe) and they didn't allow "Reproducing" with "Outsiders", resulting in a fragile DNA unable to "Respond" to Diseases. Another bit of useless information, but did you know? Scientists (Anthropologists) believe that Modern Humans' fear for things like Rats, Snakes and Spiders are Genetic and part of Human DNA, because it's been passed to Generations that these things can cause diseases or death and therefore Humans have an Inherent fear for these things.


"Personality is any person's collection of interrelated behavioral, cognitive and emotional patterns that comprise a person’s unique adjustment to life. These interrelated patterns are relatively stable, but can change over long time periods (Wikipedia)." That is why Wikipedia is my Second best friend, because of descriptions like this. This description can easily be "warped" to apply to Other Intelligent Species, so something needs to be identified and applied to an Individual Modern Human. "Adjustment" doesn't apply only to Modern Humans; "Cognitive and Emotional Patterns" can be applied to (you guessed it) Dolphins as well; "Interrelated Behaviour" is also not unique to Modern Humans, leaving me with only "Collection" and "Life". I realized that I had now way of describing "Life", everyone knows what it means, or think it means. After asking my Friends, I came to the conclusion that "Life" is an Individual's Unique experience within an Environment consisting of Social Structures and a Society. Each Person experiences Life in a unique way and therefore needs a Unique "Collection" of capabilities to "fit in". Personality is a Human Quality and by implication it has Physical Attributes and Behavioural Patterns that are Influenced by Genetics and Environmental factors. I almost want to argue that you are born with a predisposition with regards to your Personality, meaning that even though you are born in the same Environment and Social Structures as your siblings, your "Blend" of Genes are different and Unique. Some Research suggest that the following Personality Traits (Qualities) can be Inherited to a certain degree: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. These 5 Traits influences a Human's Temperament which Influences their Behaviour, and by now you should know what role Behaviour plays up to Society Level and the impact on The Cycle. With each Human having a Unique Personality, Society Developed "Definitions" for different types of Personalities, for example: Introverted, Extroverted, Intuitive, Emotional, Judgmental, Perceptive and more, with each Personality type associated with certain attributes. Modern Humans LOVE to use these Definitions on an Individual Level, because it makes them a bit more "Predictable" allowing them to join a Social Group. Let me Warn you, from experience, that there are Highly Intelligent People who knows how to "Fake" a Personality Type, just to belong to a Social Group and they can "Fake" Several Personality Types, at the same time, to be part of different Social Groups. It doesn't mean that they have a "Split Personality" or Mental Disorder, but instead they have been able to "Adjust to Life" on an Individual Level, because of their Intelligence. You have been Warned!

Emotional Intelligence: 

Sometimes referred to as E.Q. is the "Ability to Understand, Use and Manage your own Emotions and those of the People around you". E.Q. can be Objectively Measured within any Intelligent Species (yes - Dolphins too). It has been argued by Scientists that a Higher E.Q. can be directly linked to a Higher I.Q. meaning, an Individual Human with a High E.Q. will have a Higher Level of Intelligence than the rest of Society. i can't remember who said it, but someone said that with Intelligence comes Responsibility. Keep in mind that Modern Humans' Intelligence should benefit a Society as a Whole and influences the Development within Society. Through Science, Humans have Developed measurements for Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence and use the "Information" to Categorize People based on Averages within Society. In my Opinion, it seems that Modern Humans are Obsessed with Developing Measurements that can be used to Objectively Measure Human Qualities, because it then makes it easy to "Categorize" an Individual and certain attributes can be associated with certain Categories, therefore "Predicting" Individual Behaviour. The fact that an Individual Modern Human can Understand, Use and Manage their own Emotions as well as those around them, sets them apart from other Intelligent Species. People often make the mistake to assume that someone with a Higher E.Q. than the Average, tends to be either More Emotional or Unemotional, which is completely wrong. The fact is, the Average Person within Society expects a predictable behaviour from Another Person, because People assume that other People like them, will behave like them. since the aim is to get People to Actively Think, think about what it means to "Use and Manage" your own Emotions and those of the People around you. The one actually implies the other, because "Manage" is the ability to "Use or Manipulate" something or someone. Is it safe to argue that an Individual with a Higher Emotional Intelligence can Manipulate another Human's or Humans' Emotions easier and better? Intelligence should benefit Society as a Whole, does this apply to Emotional Intelligence as well? I don't have an answer, because Emotional Intelligence is a Human Quality and again by implication, it has Physical Attributes and Behavioural Patterns. I have never met anyone who likes to be manipulated, but I knew a few People who were Manipulated, Emotionally, until they realized it and it had devastating effects. It is unfortunately a part of being Human.


You probably thought about it, so I may as well state it - Yes, even Dolphins are capable of Empathy. I think that Empathy is the most Misunderstood quality about Modern Humans. People will often express their "Sympathy" for each other, thinking that it was Empathy. Most People also assume that Empathy is an Emotion, but it is an Ability and an ability is a Skill to do something, and I have stated before that it is possible for Modern Humans to Acquire and Develop Skills. To acquire and develop skills, sets Modern Humans apart from other Intelligent species, like Dolphins. People often use the following expressions when they try to express Empathy: "I know how you (must) feel, or are feeling"; "I understand you" but the best one is "I have been in your shoes". No, No and NO!!! Modern Humans can ONLY strive to be Empathetic, because even at its most basic level a Person has to IMAGINE another Person's experience or situation. Every Human is Unique in every aspect, whether it's Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Psychological, Cultural or Personal, therefore making it (almost) Impossible to imagine being in a same situation as someone else. To get you thinking, ask yourself what is the Purpose of Empathy vs Sympathy. Sympathy is easy, because you only need to be able to understand another Person from your OWN Perspective, BUT... (just keep reading). Empathy requires Compassion and delas with another Person's Situation, how the situation can be improved or resolved thereby Helping Someone else. Some People don't ask for Help until it's too late, while other People constantly relies on Help from others. The BUT continues... Both Sympathy and Empathy requires ONE MAJOR ABILITY from an Individual - LISTENING. Listening is to Hear AND Understand what someone else is saying (read my Essay about Hearing vs Listening for more). If being Empathetic means that a Person has the Ability to Help Someone, a Person needs to know WHAT the situation is and WHAT Help is required, thereby implying that a person needs to Listen. Sometimes, just sometimes, if Someone really Listens to Someone else, that Person might just realize that the other Person needs Help. That is where Empathy starts.


According to my friend Google, Communication can be described as: "The process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, opinions, knowledge, and data so that the message is received and understood with clarity and purpose". If you paid attention thus far, then a few bells must ring in your head. To me, it seems like Communication involves Information and The Cycle. I can safely assume that Communication relies on a Sender and Receiver, at least 2 Individuals. The only way to Communicate, is to use a Language. Language is a "System" consisting of Words to convey Meaning by using Speech, Writing, "Signing" or Gestures. I have no idea how Scientists discovered it, but the First form of Language Developed during the Age of the Homo-Erectus Genus, meaning that it isn't Unique to Homo Sapiens or Homo Sapiens Sapiens, therefore Intelligence doesn't influence Language. If Dolphins can also Communicate, what makes this a Unique Modern Human Quality? Communication involves one Person to Talk and another Person to Listen. I wrote about Listening already and the same principles apply to Talking or Speaking. To get you thinking, think about WHAT a Person does while talking. If a Person really Listens, then the following must be obvious: How does the other Person talk, what is the Tone; Body language; Facial Expressions; Fast or Slow; Does the Person look at (into) you or looking around; Are both Individuals paying attention to one another, or not; MOST Importantly - Do all of these things (combined) support the Same Meaning of the Same Message? What sets Modern Humans apart from other Intelligent Species is not just based on the use of a Language to convey a Message, but the Ability to share Information with each other. If you can recall, Information is not just Processed Data (Knowledge) that can be Understood and Applied, but includes external factors, the environment and Memory of another Person. Other Intelligent Species do not have the ABILITY to do this. Why is it then SO difficult for Modern Humans, who were born with this ABILITY, to Communicate with each other?




To be a modern Human, means that you have some Characteristics and Qualities, influenced by Genes and Environmental factors. Characteristics are Inheritable and Qualities are Physical Attributes and Behavioural Patterns. There are Human Characteristics and Qualities that can also be applicable to other Intelligent Species. Look at the 2 lists again and ask yourself: "Is it possible that an INDIVIDUAL Modern Human might not have some of the required Characteristics or Qualities perhaps?" I would argue "YES", especially the following:

  • Sensitivity or Response to the Environment,
  • Growth and Development,
  • Regulation,
  • Integrity,
  • Continuous Learning,
  • Compassion, and
  • Respect.

Remember, this is applicable to an Individual Modern Human and not Society. How can a superior Intelligent Species include Individuals, lacking certain Characteristics and Qualities? After thinking about it, a lot, a few Gin and Tonics and my Favorite Movie, I came up with an idea. I'm going to do what I'm good at - Analyze. 

  1. I listed all the Characteristics and Qualities;
  2. I Linked them to Either being influenced by Genetics or the Environment;
  3. I then added the Qualities that Society relied on: Social Interaction, Territory, Culture and Authority;
  4. I Linked the Characteristics and Qualities to the previous 4 Influencers; and
  5. I sat back in my chair, going S.F.M.


Figure 1


Based on Figure 1, I concluded that Culture influences most Modern Human Qualities, with Social Interaction in Second place, then Territory and Lastly Authority.


Figure 2

Based on Figure 2, Territory seemed to be the Leading Influencer for Modern Human Characteristics, Culture in Second place, then Social Interaction and Authority.


At first, I thought "So what?" I did state that Society relies on 4 Human Qualities and not Characteristics, BUT then I remembered that Human Qualities are Physical Attributes AND Behavioural Patterns influenced by Genetics and Environmental Factors. I needed to dig deeper.


Figure 3
Figure 4
I had to interrogate my Raw Data, because it just didn't make sense. Environmental Factors far Outweigh Genetics as the Major Influencer on Modern Humans, but why?


Figure 5
Figure 6
By now I have had enough of "Culture" as being the Main Human Quality that Society relies on, but it forced me to look at the description for Culture again: "Culture is a concept that encompasses the Social Behavior, Institutions, and Norms found in Human Societies, as well as the Knowledge, Beliefs, Arts, Laws, Customs, Capabilities, and Habits of the Individuals in these Groups". I also reminded myself that Modern Humans didn't Evolve from a Previous Human Species, but just "Appeared". I stopped and thought about the South African Society and what I can remember about South African History, which, I must admit, is limited to after the Second Anglo-Boer War. Society remains relatively Constant while the Social Groups and Structures Develop. In South Africa's case, Social Structures were "forced" to Develop, for Decades, due to the Government's Policies during Apartheid. International Sanctions "banned" South Africa from the International Community (Society) and Social Structures Developed within a Segregated Society, enforced by the Government. Culture was the main driving force for this Development for Decades. When Apartheid ended, a New Constitution was Developed to protect the Rights of all South Africans and the Environment changed rapidly. Social Structures had to adapt accordingly with Government taking the responsibility to enforce Development to a certain extent. One can argue that this was "against the law of Nature", at the time. The only reference that Individuals could rely on for their Individuality, was their Culture. Keep in mind that for Decades, Individuals were being prevented from Developing certain Qualities and Characteristics due to Government Policies. These Policies affected ALL South Africans' Development, no matter what Race they were, including White South Africans.




After thinking about the past and everything that COULD HAVE gone wrong, I asked my friend Google to show me a World Map. It will take me years to read about the Development of 196 Countries, which I don't have to, but I soon realized that what happened with South Africa's Society, was not Unique. Apartheid might have been a "Phenomenon" unique to South Africa, but so was Slavery and Colonialism for example. I looked at my list of Qualities and Characteristics again, paying special attention to which were influenced by Genetics and which were influenced by the Environment. I then looked at the Qualities Society relies on, just to make sure that my statement is correct.


Never has "It's in my Roots", had more meaning to me, than right now.


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